Date: August 13, 1972

Time: 9:53 am – 10:02 am

Location: Camp David Study Table

John D. Ehrlichman talked with the President.

George W. Romney

-Possible resignation


-The President’s conversation with H. R. (“Bob”) Haldeman

-Strategy in dealing with story

-Richard C. Van Dusen

-The President’s possible telephone call

-Van Dusen’s schedule

-Duluth, Iowa

-Forthcoming call from Caspar W. (“Cap”) Weinberger

-Forthcoming call from Ehrlichman

-Van Dusen

-Letter of resignation


-The President’s view


-The President’s re-election

-Forthcoming call from Ehrlichman

-Van Dusen

-Possible appointment as Department of Housing and Urban

Development [HUD] secretary

Partnership involving a Virgin Islands financial plan

-George S. McGovern supporters



Tape Subject Log

(rev. Mar-02)

-Henry L. Kimelman

-Stewart Udall

-Lawrence Halprin

-Sidney Kessler [“Kessell”]


-Possible public relations impact

-Clark R. Mollenhoff

-Question of a possible Justice Department prosecution

-Richard G. Kleindienst

-John N. Mitchell

Analysis of McGovern’s major supporters

-Need for identification


-Adverse actions by the Democrats against the President’s supporters

-John Mulcahy

-Charles G. (“Bebe”) Rebozo

-Robert H. Abplanalp

-Need for identification

-Jerry Rubin

-Possible assignment of task

-Murray M. Chotiner

-Possible use of government files

-Possible assistants

-Possible attitude toward Jews

Partnership involving a Virgin Islands financial plan


-Use of Mollenhoff

The President’s conversation with Haldeman

-List of McGovern supporters