Date: October 27, 1972

Time: Unknown between 9:55 am and 11:05 am

Location: White House Telephone

Charles W. Colson talked with the White House operator. The President can be heard in the


Request for a call to office

Colson talked with an unknown woman at an unknown time between 9:55 am and 11:05 am.

Call to W Richard (“Dick”) Howard

Colson talked with Howard at an unknown time between 9:55 and 11:05 am.

1972 election


-Albert E. Sindlinger

-Call from Howard

-Public reactions

-Vietnam peace settlements

Colson talked with the White House operator at an unknown time between 9:55 am and 11:05


Request for a call to office



Tape Subject Log

(rev. Oct-06)

Colson talked with an unknown woman at an unknown time between 9:55 am and 11:05 am.

Call to Louis P. Harris

-Meeting with Colson

-Delivery of poll results