Date: November 4, 1972

Time: Unknown between 10:13 am and 10:14 am

Location: White House Telephone

The President talked with J. Caleb Boggs.

[See Conversation No. 389-11I]



[Begin segment reviewed under deed of gift]

1972 Election


-The President’s schedule

-Support for the President in Senate


-Campaign in New Castle

-The President’s vacations

-Rehoboth Beach

– 21 –


Tape Subject Log

(rev. June-07)

-The President’s visits after election

Pierre S. Dupont, IV joined the conversation at an unknown time before 10:14 am.

1972 Election

-Dupont’s campaign

-The President’s campaign



-Governor [Russell W. Peterson]

-The President’s Schedule

-North Carolina

-New Mexico


[End segment reviewed under deed of gift]
