Date: March 17, 1973
Time: 1:42 pm-1:52 pm
Location: White House Telephone
The President talked with Wilbur D. Mills.
[See Conversation No. 882-12B]
Mills’ health
-Dr. W. Kenneth Riland
Economic policy
-President’s conversation with Peter M. Flanigan
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Tape Subject Log
(rev. Sept-09)
-George P. Shultz’s schedule
-Cabinet meeting
-Mills’ schedule
-Tax law revisions
-Administration proposals
-Shultz’s testimony
-Parochial school aid
-Property tax for the elderly
-Minimum tax
-Priority of trade legislation
-Ways and Means Committee’s schedule
-Trade and taxes
-Shultz’s testimony
-Edward Coyne
-Statement by President
-Balance of payments
-Food prices
-Clothing prices
-Effect on average citizen
-World economy
-US rate compared to other countries
-Great Britain, West Germany, Japan, France
-European investment
-Reinvestment in US
-Possible solutions
-Tax on interest
-Balance of payments
-President’s schedule
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Tape Subject Log
(rev. Sept-09)
-Bipartisan leadership meeting on trade
-Carl B. Albert
-Gerald R. Ford
-Shultz’s testimony
-Tax law revisions
-Difficulties discussed
-Mills’ appearance on Meet the Press
-Need for reform
-President’s domestic program
-Need for strength
-Compared to foreign achievements
-US competitiveness