Date: March 4, 1973

Time: 11:22 am-11:35 am

Location: White House Telephone

The President talked with William P. Rogers.

Vietnam settlement

-Prisoners of War [POWs] release

-Administration strategy

-Public statement by Rogers


-Defense Department


-North Vietnamese reaction


-Henry A. Kissinger


-Economic aid to North Vietnam

-Congressional support

-John J. McFall

-President’s press conference

-William E. Timmons

Sammy Davis, Jr.

-Performance at the White House

-John F. Kennedy

-“Rat Pack”


-First Black in White House

-Booker T. Washington


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Tape Subject Log

(rev. Sept-09)

Sudan hostages [Black September]


-Lowering of White House flags

-Compensation to families

-US policy on ransom

-Survey of Foreign Service

-Visit of President to State Department

-Tribute to victims

-Burial of victims


-Arlington National Cemetery


-Return of bodies

-William B. Macomber, Jr.

-Belgian body


-Current situation

-Terrorists surrendered

-Arab diplomats released


-Development of plan for future incidents


-Cut off

-Bargaining with terrorists

-Thomas E. Jarriel

-Sirhan Sirhan release

-Task Force

-Unpredictable locations

-Attacks on Saudi Arabian embassy




-Fedayeen in Jordan jail

-Hussein ibn Talal [Hussein, King of Jordan]

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Tape Subject Log

(rev. Sept-09)



-President’s visit to the State Department


-Camp David

-Maj. John V. (“Jack”) Brennan

-President’s visit to Defense Department

-Prisoners of War [POWs]

-Delivery of bodies

-President’s talk

-Foreign Service Association


-Armin H. Meyer

-Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI]

-Terrorists in Haiti


-Agency for International Development [AID] official



-[Dwight] David Eisenhower, II

-Support for POWs and diplomats

-President’s visit to the State Department

-Press relations

-President’s talk

-Foreign service


-Defense Department


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Tape Subject Log

(rev. Sept-09)