Date: September 19, 1972

Time: 11:19 am – 11:25 am

Location: Oval Office

Stephen B. Bull met with Marion Scully.

Marion Scully’s schedule


Ronald L. Ziegler entered at an unknown time after 11:19 am.


-Meeting with the President in Ireland [October 1970]



The President entered at an unknown time after 11:19 am.





-Photograph opportunity

-Irish setter [King Timahoe]

-Manolo Sanchez

The President’s schedule

-Henry A. Kissinger

Kissinger entered at an unknown time after 11:19 am.

The President et al. went to the Oval Office patio at 11:22 am. Sanchez, King Timahoe, the

White House photographer and members of the press were present.

Photograph’s view frame




Tape Subject Log

(rev. Nov-03)

Sanchez’s instructions to King Timahoe

-English compared to Spanish language commands

The President and Scully entered the Oval Office at 11:25 am.

Mr. and Mrs. Scully

-Presentation of gifts by the President

-The Presidential seal


-Cuff links

Marion Scully’s career

-Occupational therapy




-The President’s visit to Ireland

-The President’s background

Miss Scully et al. left at 11:25 am.