Date: October 18, 1972

Time: 9:53 am – 10:07 am

Location: Oval Office

The President met with Ronald L. Ziegler.

The President’s schedule

-Photographic session

-Forthcoming meeting with Masayoshi Ohira

-Forthcoming meeting with Nikolai S. Patolichev, Anatoliy F. Dobrynin

-Trade agreement

-William P. Rogers, Peter G. Peterson


William E. Timmons and John D. Ehrlichman entered at 9:54 am.

Ziegler left at 9:54 am.

Congressional relations

-Forthcoming adjournment

-Debt limit

-Senate rejecting of spending limit

-House of Representatives

-John F. Byrnes, Wilbur D. Mills

-Possible result of conference

-Effect on adjournment

-The President’s possible action

-1972 election

-Treasury Department

-George P. Shultz


-Political effect

-Water bill

-Reason for veto timing


-The President’s role

-Joseph W. Martin, Jr.’s view


-1972 election



Tape Subject Log

(rev. Nov-03)


-Increase in taxes

-Clean water tax


-Possible withholding of funds

-Briefing on spending limit and water bill veto

-News summary

-Increase in taxes

-Press coverage

-Timmons’s action

-Water bill

-The President’s veto statement

-Reaction of Senators

-Veto override


-Hugh Scott’s response to Edmund S. Muskie

-The President’s message for Scott



-Personnel cuts

-Withholding of funds

-Federal personnel cuts


-The President’s schedule

-Telephone call

– [Thomas] Hale Boggs

-Airplane crash

-Chances of survival

-Weather conditions in Alaska


-Margaret Chase Smith’s forthcoming telephone call to the President

-Scott’s schedule

-Michael J. Mansfield

-Smith’s view of Charles W. Colson


-1972 Maine Republican primary

– [Robert A.G. Monks]

-Control of Senate

-Smith, Jacob K. Javits

-Labor and Defense Committees

-Debt ceiling limit

-Amendment for extension of unemployment benefits



Tape Subject Log

(rev. Nov-03)

-Warren G. Magnuson

-Senator’s vote

-Water bill

-George S. McGovern

-Campaign activity

-Timmons’s comment to the press

-Environmentalist appeal on water bill issue

-Voting record

-Thomas F. Eagleton

-Tax increase

-Democratic National Convention


-Mandatory spending

-Presidential discretion

-John Hooker’s [?] telephone call to Timmons

-Tax increase

-Special interest groups



-News coverage

-Departments of Labor and Health, Education and Welfare [HEW]

-Ehrlichman’s recent press conference

-The President’s schedule

-The President’s schedule

-New York

-Social Security

-Higher taxes

-John B. Connally’s possible statement

Ehrlichman and Timmons left, and Stephen B. Bull entered at 10:06 am.

The President’s schedule

-Forthcoming meeting with Foreign Minister Ohira


-Possible interruption

-Alexander M. Haig, Jr.

-William P. Rogers

-Meeting with Nikolai S. Patolichev


Bull left at 10:07 am.



Tape Subject Log

(rev. Nov-03)