Date: October 18, 1972

Time: 10:07 am – 11:05 am

Location: Oval Office

The President met with Masayoshi Ohira, Nobuhiko Ushiba, Alexander M. Haig, Jr., Sadaaki

Numata, and James J. Wickel; the White House photographer and members of the press were

present at the beginning of the meeting.



-Photographic session

The President’s schedule

-Forthcoming election in the US

-Ohira’s schedule


-Japan-Australia Joint Cabinet Committee meeting in Hawaii, August 30 ­

September 1, 1972

-The President’s meeting with Kakuei Tanaka

Japan ­ People’s Republic of China [PRC] relations

-Recent Japan-PRC talks in Peking

-Robert S. Ingersoll



-The President’s trip to the PRC

-Japan’s domestic public opinion

-Effect on Tanaka

-Marshall Green’s recent statement

-Japan-US Mutual Security Treaty

-Japan-US Mutual Security Treaty

-The President’s conversation with PRC leaders


-Peace in Pacific region

-US-Japanese relations

-Diplomatic relations

-Problem handling




Tape Subject Log

(rev. Nov-03)

-Peace in Asia

-Sino-Japanese relations

-Ohira’s visits to Australia, New Zealand

-Soviet Union

-Envoys to South Korea and Southeast Asia

-Understanding and anxiety in Asia

-Taiwan, Republic of China

-Non-governmental relations with Japan

-“Contact point” establishment

-Aviation and shipping

-Cessation of diplomatic relations

-Preferential tariff treatment with Japan

-“Contact point”

-Effect on embassy and consulate

South Korea

-Domestic situation

-Martial law declaration [October 17, 1972]

-Ohira’s schedule

-Los Angeles


-Japan-South Korea Ministerial Conference

-Chung Hee Park

-Possible motivation

-The President’s view

-US-PRC relations, Japan-PRC relations

-Toshio Kimura

-Recent visit to South Korea

-North Korea


-North Korea

-US, Japan

-Major power relations

-Japan-PRC relations

-US-PRC relations

-Japan-Soviet Union relations


-Other nations

-Korea, Vietnam


-Five-year plan

-Energy, rural development



Tape Subject Log

(rev. Nov-03)


-Domestic politics

-Martial law declaration

-Effect on finances and economy

European Economic Community

-Relations with US, Japan

-The President’s meeting with Sir Alexander F. (“Alec”) Douglas-Home

-World monetary situation


-The President’s recent meeting with Tanaka

-Edward R.G. Heath’s meeting with Tanaka in Tokyo, September 1972

Vietnam War

-Status of negotiations


-North Vietnam

-Record of Paris talks

-Henry A. Kissinger’s previous meetings with the North Vietnamese


-[South Vietnam]

-Nguyen Van Thieu’s role in talks

-Gen. Creighton W. Abrams, Jr., Ellsworth F. Bunker

-Forthcoming US presidential election


-Effect on possible settlement

-Comparison to 1968

-Bombing halt

-Hubert H. Humphrey’s campaign

-Vietnam War issue


-Type of settlement

-Military action

-Bombing halt




-US position on imposition of a coalition

Government on South Vietnam

-Type of Peace





Tape Subject Log

(rev. Nov-03)

-Status of current talks

-North Vietnamese position

-Forthcoming US presidential election

US-Soviet Union relations

-Ohira’s forthcoming trip to Moscow

-Trade, arms control

-Reasons for current state of relations

-US-PRC relations

-National interests

-Communist leaders

-Japanese-Soviet relations

-Bargaining positions

Stephen B. Bull entered at an unknown time after 10:07 am.

The President’s schedule

Bull left at an unknown time before 11:05 am.

Japan-Soviet Union relations

-Northern Islands issue

-Compared to Okinawa issue

Forthcoming US presidential election

Greetings to Tanaka, Eisaku Sato, Nobusuke Kishi

Ohira’s Schedule



-Wickel’s age

Ohira et al. left at 11:05 am.