Date: October 19, 1972

Time: 11:02 am – 11:20 am

Location: Oval Office

The President met with Alexander M. Haig, Jr.

Vietnam Negotiations

-Trip by William H. Sullivan

-The President’s message to Nguyen Van Thieu

-South Vietnam’s interest

-The President’s support for South Vietnam and Thieu

-Proposal for settlement of war

-Possible North Vietnamese action

-US response

-Possible meeting between the President and Thieu

-The President’s position

-1972 election

-Thieu’s role

-US position on settlement at midway in 1969

-South Vietnam’s military, economic and political strength

-Henry A. Kissinger’s view

-III Corps area

-Kissinger’s possible trips to Vientiane, Hanoi


-The President’s possible meeting with Thieu

-Current settlement proposal

-1972 election

-Possible statement at time of settlement

-Compared to the President’s People’s Republic of China [PRC]


-Members of US Armed Forces serving in South Vietnam



-Prisoners of war [POWs], missing in action [MIA]

-Public support



Tape Subject Log




-Thieu’s position



-Replacement of military equipment

-South Vietnamese government



-Thieu’s position

-Political issues

-Military and economic assistance

-Vietcong [VC]

-Military issues

-Political issues

-Coalition government in South Vietnam

-The President’s instructions to Ronald L. Ziegler

-Dan Rather


-State Department

-William P. Rogers


-Security of document

-Kissinger’s possible trip to Vientiane

-Kissinger’s possible conversation with Le Duc Tho

-1972 election

-Informing Rogers

-US-Soviet Union trade agreement


-Haig’s role

-Message from the President

-The President’s message to Thieu

-Defense Department

-Supply of military aircraft to South Vietnam


-Possible airlift



-North Vietnamese jets

-North Vietnam

-Possible use of jets



Tape Subject Log


-Soviet Union

-The President’s position


-Economic aid

-Soviet Union in post-World War II period

-Kissinger’s view

-Dwight D. Eisenhower’s administration


-1972 election

-Reaction in US

-1972 election

-George S. McGovern

-New York Times, Washington Post



-Acceptance of agreement


-Message from the President

-Press relations

-Veto messages

Haig left at 11:20 am.