Date: November 8, 1972

Time: 12:03 pm – 12:12 pm

Location: Oval Office

The President met with Charles W. Colson.


[Begin segment reviewed under deed of gift]


1972 election

-The President’s call

-Colson’s thanks

-Colson’s work for the President


-Congressional races



-Margaret Chase Smith

-Gordon L. Allott

-Jack R. Miller

– 29 –


Tape Subject Log

(rev. June-07)

-Louie B. Nunn

-Tax problem

-J. Caleb Boggs

-Pete V. Domenici

-Herbert F. DeSimone


-John H. Chafee

-Rhode Island

-States won

-Compared to Lyndon B. Johnson

-Criticism of the President

-Margin of victory


-Total vote






-George H. Gallup

Ronald L. Ziegler entered at 12:05 pm.

Press conference

-The President’s activities

-Telephone calls


-Rose Mary Woods

-Alexander P. Butterfield

-The President’s schedule

-Trip to Florida

-Telephone calls



-Cabinet meeting

Ziegler left at 12:06 pm.

1972 election


– 30 –


Tape Subject Log

(rev. June-07)

-Donald F. Rodgers’s comment



-Third party impact

-John Birch Society [John G. Schmitz]

-Number of votes

-Percentages of precincts

-1964 election


-Barry M. Goldwater

-Percentage spread


-Rural areas


-Washington state

-West Virigina


-Rural areas

-[George S. McGovern]


-Press handling

-Congressional races

-Press handling

-The President’s victory

-New Majority

-Repudiation of McGovern

-Party labels


-Rodgers’s comments

-Old style Republicans defeated





-New Republicans

-James L. Buckley

-Michael P. Balzano



-Thomas J. Meskill

– 31 –


Tape Subject Log

(rev. June-07)

-“Wave of the future”

-Recruitment to the Republican Party

-Rodgers’s comments

-Bronx Democrats



Lawrence M. Higby entered at 12:10 pm.

1972 election




-Senate races

-House of Representatives races

-Latest figures

-Net gains




-Orange county

-National figures

-Colson’s figures


-State totals

Higby left at 12:12 pm.

1972 election


-Rodgers’s comments

-New Majority

-The President’s creation

[End segment reviewed under deed of gift]


The President and Colson left at 12:12 pm.

– 32 –


Tape Subject Log

(rev. June-07)

Conversations No. 813-29

Date: November 8, 1972

Time: Unknown between 12:15 pm and 11:59 pm

Location: Oval Office

Unknown people [Secret Service agents] met.

The President’s location

Dale [last name unknown]

The President’s location

An unknown agent talked with an unknown person at an unknown time between 12:15 pm and

12:59 pm.

[Conversation No. 813-29A]

The President’s location

[End of telephone conversation]

The President’s location

An unknown agent talked with an unknown person at an unknown time between 12:15 pm and

12:59 pm.

[Conversation No. 813-29B]

The President’s location

[End of telephone conversation]

The President’s location

-Departure time

– 33 –


Tape Subject Log

(rev. June-07)