Date: January 11, 1973

Time: Between 10:05 and 10:16 am

Location: Oval Office

The President met with Ronald L. Ziegler at 10:05 am.

Ziegler’s press briefing

-Congressional spending


-Henry A. Kissinger

-William P. Rogers

-Col. Richard T. Kennedy

-Wage and price control

Ziegler’s forthcoming press briefing


-Administration comments to press


-Possible trial

-New York Times

-Washington Post

-E. Howard Hunt, Jr.



Tape Subject Log

(rev. Feb.-09)

-Milk Fund

-Herbert W. Kalmbach

-Check from teachers’ fund for McGovern

-Campaign finances

-Birthday story

-New York Times

-Wire story

-John Herbers

-US News

-Frances Lewine

-Helen A. Thomas

-Saul Pett’s article

-President’s interview



-Television [TV]



-United Press International [UPI]

-Mrs. Nixon’s birthday


-Golda Meir

-Ziegler’s lunch with Clifton Daniel


-Dick Martin film

-H. R. (“Bob”) Haldeman


-Reporters’ viewing

-Super Bowl

Ziegler left at 10:16 am.