Date: June 13, 1973

Time: Unknown between 9:10 am and 9:22 am

Location: Oval Office

The President met with Stephen Bull. Discontinuities appear in the original recording.

President’s schedule

-Ronald L. Ziegler

-Diplomatic credentials ceremony

An unknown man entered at an unknown time after 9:10 am.

President’s schedule


The unknown man left at an unknown time before 9:22 am.

President’s schedule

-Forthcoming speech on the economy [?]

-Diplomatic credentials ceremony






-Diplomatic credentials ceremony

-Trip to Illinois

-Diplomatic credentials ceremony


-Thelma C. (“Pat”) Nixon

-Trip to Illinois

-Air Force One passengers

-Howard H. Baker, Jr.

-Thomas C. Korologos



Tape Subject Log

(rev. December-2011)

-Melvin R. Laird

-Alexander M. Haig, Jr.



-Congressmen and guests



-Key Biscayne


-Pekin, Illinois

-Louella (Carver) Dirksen

-Mother [Lillie Carver]


-Haig, Ziegler

An unknown man entered at an unknown time after 9:10 am.

President’s schedule


-Ziegler’s schedule

-Leonard Garment, J. Fred Buzhard, Jr.


Bull and the unknown man left.