I had intended to surprise each of my TNN readers with a gift that would be sitting in your driveway on Christmas morning.  
Unfortunately the logistics turned out to be a nightmare of international shipping schedules, import regulations, and customs inspectors who insisted on doing things by the book.  The whole process wasn’t helped by what turned out to be my less than fluent Italian. Apparently being able to order antipasto doesn’t translate, no pun intended, to being able to order heavy machinery.

So, instead, here is my Christmas gift —of comparable value if not price— to each and every one of you.

(Spoiler alert — until you have already opened the above gift link, better not to read on.)

Yes, it’s what you really wanted all along — The Office‘s Christmas show.

It’s brought to you by what could turn out to be the best gift of all (unless, of course, you already know about it):  hulu.com.

Hulu.com is truly the better mousetrap to whose door the world is already beating a path.  Hulu allows you to watch, on demand on your computer, and with minimal commercial interruption, most of the major TV shows and a growing roster of movies.

You might say that what Father Taylor is to Kindle, yours truly is to hulu.com — an objective enthusiast.

So — enjoy The Office over the holidays and explore hulu.com throughout the New Year.