You may have thought Dick Tuck was dead, but he is alive and the guest of honor at an Aspen party.  In an interview with Frank Gannon, RN once said:

I’ve been the victim of dirty tricks, including bugging i–in 1962. There was no question about that. There’s a very famous character, a real professional, delightful fellow, as a matter of fact, named Dick Tuck, and he used to sabotage our campaign schedules and send people the wrong way and disrupt our meetings and so forth. He did it in 1962, in that campaign, and he did it again in–of course, he had done it als–he–no–strike that. He did it in 1960 in the presidential campaign, and then he did it in spades in 1962, when I was running against Pat Brown. But the media being, shall we say, not particularly in my corner, just called that fun and games. And then when Segretti, our so-called “dirty tricks man,” whom I frankly had never had the opportunity of even meeting–when he tried to practice some of these things on our Democratic opponents, they became high crimes and misdemeanors.

For the record, a quick search of Nexis articles mentioning Tuck shows that references to “pranks” outnumber references to “dirty tricks” by more than two to one.