Today’s Daily Beast offers a “Media Gallery” of Presidential vacations.
The slideshow includes TR’s 1909 post-presidential African safari.


HST vacationed aboard the presidential yacht USS Williamsburg, or at the Little White House in Key Biscayne — where he relaxed with First Lady Bess and daughter Margaret.


DDE decommissioned the Williamsburg and found relaxation in fishing —the Beast notes that “he’s reported to have gone on a veritable fishing tour across the U.S., hitting up streams and lakes in Florida, Rhode Island, Maine, South Dakota, Georgia, Maryland, and Colorado” — and hunting.


RN is represented by a 1956 family vacation to Disneyland.


The gratuitously snarky caption —

Ah, Richard Nixon’s innocent days. During a 1955 vacation in California, then-Vice President Nixon and his wife, Pat, took their two young daughters, Julie and Patricia, to Disneyland. Here, the family is shown leaving the Fantasyland castle; they reportedly spent the day sightseeing and enjoying the rides. During his presidency, when he wasn’t indulging his inner child, Nixon was known to escape to a compound he owned on Key Biscayne, off Miami—often referred to as his Florida White House.

— ignores the comparatively greater amount of time RN, PN, and the family spent at La Casa Pacifica in San Clemente.