Jonathan Movroydis previously noted a The Los Angeles Times story quoting an Edward Kennedy yarn about the 1960 election:

“And, believe me, I knew the odds. I was so certain of Jack’s victory that I placed a Las Vegas bet on it. My winnings could have given me enough money to buy a new car, a really fancy new car. The speedy Aston Martin DB4 had just come out of England a couple years earlier, and I really wanted one. Well, I won that bet, but I never bought the car. I made the mistake of telling dad about it, and he hit the roof … He went at me tooth and nail. I never did collect on my bet … “

This story is, as the Obama White House would say, fishy.  How could Ted Kennedy have scored so much when his brother was the odds-on favorite to win?  From a UPI story in The Los Angeles Times, October 23, 1960:  “LAS VEGAS: Oddsmakers in this desert gambling community were quoting 3-2 odds on Sen. Kennedy defeating his Republican rival Vice President Nixon in the Presidential race Nov. 8. The odds previously favored Kennedy 6-5.”