Nearly 1,000 people packed the East Room at the Nixon Library Monday night to see radio talk show host and Fox News commentator Laura Ingraham discuss and autograph her #1 New York Times bestseller, The Obama Diaries, a satire on President Obama’s ambitious political agenda during his first year in the Oval Office and his liberal vision for the nation.
Her lecture, however, touched upon several serious notes about the future of America.

Describing the Democrats’ legislative onslaught, she encouraged every person in the room to  take an active role in the political process.

President Obama’s  “ultimate goal is to bring the private sector under government control,” Ingraham said, “unless you take an active role, you will be the next to be taken over.”

But Ingraham also expressed hope for the conservative movement.

“Change is coming to America,” Ingraham concluded, “let us forever close Obama’s diary and put an end to this national tragedy.”


Click here to view the slideshow of Monday’s event.