Donald Rumsfeld Talks About the Nixon Years

Donald Rumsfeld Talks About the Nixon Years

[youtube] February 7, 2011: Donald Rumsfeld, the 13th and 21st Secretary of Defense talks about working on his memoir, “Known and Unknown” and his work during his years in the Nixon Administration. Topics include his tenure as...

Khachigian: Reagan, the Great Communicator

Nixon Foundation Board Member, Nixon Speechwriter and Chief Reagan Speechwriter writes in the OC Register: Of the eight years and multiple hours I spent collaborating with President Ronald Reagan on speeches, among the most frequent questions I’m asked is, what...

Ronald Reagan at 100

Ronald Reagan turned 100 years old yesterday. A fellow Californian, RN crossed paths several times with Reagan throughout his political career, including in Barry Goldwater’s 1964 presidential campaign and then as rivals for the presidency in 1968. RN admired him for...

Must-read Review of a Must-read Book

John Coyne’s thoughtful review of David and Julie Eisenhower’s outstanding book, Going Home to Glory, also offers as insightful and concise an analysis of RN’s Vietnam policy as I have seen in quite some time.  Read the review and then buy and read the book; there are...