Must-read Review of a Must-read Book

John Coyne’s thoughtful review of David and Julie Eisenhower’s outstanding book, Going Home to Glory, also offers as insightful and concise an analysis of RN’s Vietnam policy as I have seen in quite some time.  Read the review and then buy and read the book; there are...

Who Saved Soviet Jewry?

The December 9th release of additional Nixon White House presidential documents and tapes produced the usual response.  As has become customary, brief excerpts of the tapes – excerpts that invariably show President Nixon and members of his administration in the most...

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Program…

On a late September Monday evening fifty years ago today, 80 million Americans (a number approaching half the population of the United States at the time) sat before their flickering black and white television sets to watch the first televised presidential debate in...

A President’s Time

On the day he was inaugurated to his second term, President Nixon gave members of the White House staff a desk diary covering the four years of that term. Each day indicated how many days were remaining before his “Four More Years” came to a close. On the cover page...

There Naftali Goes Again…

I loved the OC Register article about Ron Walker, who by all accounts is doing an outstanding job as president of the Nixon Foundation. Well, everything except for the typically ungracious and inaccurate remarks made by Tim Naftali. Here’s the text of a letter...