Alex Lees     1911-2009

The Real Thing: POW Alex Lees (right) in Stalag Luft III. “I only played a small part.  I did my bit, that’s the main thing.” If, like me, The Great Escape is in your pantheon of All Time Coolest Movies, you will be saddened to learn of the death of...


  George Washington’s first inauguration took place 220 years ago today* on the balcony of the Senate Chamber in Federal Hall in New York City.  His Inaugural Address was delivered to a joint session of Congress in the Senate Chamber. The First Inaugural Address...

RN’s First Hundred Days

  20 January 1969: RN and PN in the Inaugural Parade after the swearing in at the Capitol.  H. R. Haldeman noted in his Diary: “Expression on his face was unforgettable, this was his time!  He had arrived, he was in full command, someone said he felt he saw rays...

RN Call Home

The headline in the Daily Telegraph was intriguing — “Are UFO’s real?  Famous people who believed” — and the sub-head was promising — The former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell has claimed that aliens exist and their visits are being...

The Airport To Nowhere

CNN has finally caught up with Carol D. Leonnig’s story in Sunday’s WaPo about the egregious porkfest that is the John Murtha Johnstown-Cambria County Airport in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Embedded video from <a href=””...