So Senator Clinton Was Telling the Truth. Who Knew?

Boy is my face red. It turns out that recently discovered news footage from the former First Lady’s trip to Tuzla proves that everything she said was accurate; if anything, the “H Bomb” (as she was apparently admiringly nicknamed on this trip),...

Forty Years On

Tariq Ali is sixty-four years old. But instead of asking age appropriate questions like “Will you still need me?” and “Will you still feed me?” he is asking “Where Has All the Rage Gone?” Prompted by a TV show called “Revolution 68”, he asked that very question last...

Tuesdays with Franklin

When FDR arrived, the sunlight was already reflecting off the perfectly polished silver coffee pot sitting in the center of the table. He greeted his tablemate heartily. “Good morning, Dick. What’s that you’ve got there?” he asked, pointing to a round red object...

We Call This Friday Good

This is the time of year when Bach’s Passions (St. John 1724 and, particularly, St. Matthew 1727) are performed around the world — from Boston to Auckland. The St. Matthew Passion has inspired artists as different as Pier Paolo Pasolini (who considered...

Saint Patrick’s Babe in the Morning

John Taylor has already noted Pat Nixon’s birthday yesterday (16 March), and its celebration at the Library. It came to be traditionally celebrated the next day and the story was told that after her birth late on the 16th, her father exclaimed,...