Getting Wrong with 1968

Evan Thomas is back subtracting from the sum total of human knowledge. A few weeks ago, he declared that nobody in 1966 thought that Richard Nixon would win the 1968 GOP nomination.  In fact, Nixon was already the frontrunner.  Now Thomas has written on what would...

Correcting the Record

There has recently been an uptick in Nixon commentary online and in the print press.  Not surprisingly, some of it is factually inaccurate.    Reviewing the Perlstein biography, Newsweek’s Evan Thomas writes:  The establishment press had been flummoxed by it...

Sixty Years of Snobbery

As with so much in American politics, Obama’s “guns or religion” gaffe calls to mind an episode in the life of Richard Nixon.  As a young House member, he investigated communist spy Alger Hiss.  During a hearing, Hiss mocked Nixon’s background:...

Nixon and Race

Senator Obama’s Philadelphia speech has prompted a New York Times article on how politicians talk about race.  It includes an attack on President Nixon: Race did not disappear entirely from presidential campaigns; it went under cover. It lay buried in code...

Choosing a Veep

Many people are offering John McCain advice about a running mate. Various candidates would purportedly tip swing states into the McCain column, or improve his appeal to women and minorities. Maybe. LBJ did help JFK win Texas in 1960. But aside from that one case, it...