In Search Of The Cherry Tree

In December 1799, George Washington, the foremost of America’s founding fathers, died of laryngitis and pseumonia at age 67, universally mourned by his countrymen.  The next year Mason Locke Weems, popularly known as “Parson” Weems (he was a...

Quo Vadis Post?

The recent announcement by Washington Post Executive Editor Leonard Downie Jr. of his impending retirement raises questions about the future of that eminent newspaper, and about what the coming decade holds for newspapers in general, that I plan to discuss before...

Senator Obama, Meet Reverend Gortner

One of the curious things about this ever-curiouser election is that half the time it seems like any of its interesting or unusual features ties in, somehow, with someone or something closely associated with the days of cold duck, bell bottoms and shag carpets –...

Pat Buchanan Meets Rick Perlstein

Yesterday morning, toward the end of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, host Mika Brzezinski suppressed a giggle as she introduced Nixonland author Rick Perlstein. Viewers might have been forgiven for assuming the giggle was no different from any of the others that the frothy...