Remembering Ping-Pong In College Park

Considerable attention was given two months ago to the fortieth anniversary of President Nixon’s visit to China, but this month marked four decades since an event which, though it seems little-remembered now, was also a landmark in its way.  During the 1971 tour...

Johnny Ramone’s Second Favorite Republican

The late John Cummings, better known by his nom de rock’n’roll of Johnny Ramone, was one of the most important guitar players of the last half-century. His trademark buzzsaw approach to the strings was the instantly recognizable stylistic signature of...

More On The 40th Anniversary of Nixon’s China Trip

Besides the informative Daily Beast article by Winston Lord and Leslie Gelb discussed in Jonathan Movroydis’s post below, a large number of other stories have appeared online marking the four decades  since President Nixon shook Premier Zhou Enlai’s hand on the tarmac...