Jul 7, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
RN’s “secret plan” to end the Vietnam war is the Dracula of canards. No matter how many wooden stakes are nailed through its nasty heart, it’s up again at first light, brushing off the dirt and walking the land ready to be cited in yet another...
Jul 7, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
Whatever its virtues, Rick Perlstein’s Nixonland contains a number of factual errors. In the weeks ahead, I shall note some of them. The first deals with the 1950 Democratic senatorial primary in Florida (p. 34): George Smathers beat Florida senator Claude...
Jul 2, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
The recent announcement by Washington Post Executive Editor Leonard Downie Jr. of his impending retirement raises questions about the future of that eminent newspaper, and about what the coming decade holds for newspapers in general, that I plan to discuss before...