No Greater Dream For America

Tomorrow night, an African-American will receive the presidential nomination of one of America’s two major parties, for the first time in this nation’s history. It will be the fulfillment of the dream of countless Americans, of all races. One or another of...

The Christian Question

In the midst of reporting about the Saddleback forum, provided a flashback to a incident back last December involving Senator McCain and the question of his faith. This was of course when the Senator from Arizona wasn’t the “presumptive” nominee, but a...

The Sins Of The Fathers

……shouldn’t be visited on the children. Much less the grandchildren. Just because granddad’s gig was an unmitigated disaster for the entire world doesn’t mean that you’re disqualified from giving it a go in your own time....

Frost/Nixon Preview & Riellegate Update

Gawker today links to a clip it says is from Youtube, though the clip, at this point, cannot be located on Youtube itself.  It is no less than the trailer of Ron Howard’s movie Frost/Nixon, starring Frank Langella reprising his acclaimed Broadway performance as...

An Infamous Day Forty Years On

In the Telegraph (London), Czech-born British TV journalist John Tusa remembers forty years ago today, 21 August 1968, when the Warsaw Pact tanks rolled into Czechoslovakia and crushed the hopes raised by the Prague Spring. Sir John has prepared a series of four...