How Will Richard Nixon Be Remembered?

July 17, 2010: Officials from the Nixon White House discuss the life and legacy of the 37th President. Participants included Barbara Hackman Franklin, Staff Assistant to President Nixon and head of the Presidential Task Force on Women’s Rights and...

Video: Celebration Weekend Ends in a Tribute to RN

Former RN speechwriter and TV/Movie Superstar Ben Stein capped the Nixon Library’s 20th anniversary weekend with a glowing tribute to his former boss at an East Room gala dinner Saturday night. Stein discussed working in the RN White House and gave a staunch...

George Shultz and the Reagan White House

PBS will be airing the second and third episodes of a documentary on the Reagan White House seen through the eyes of former Secretary of State George Shultz the two following Mondays. Shultz served as Secretary of Labor, Director of OMB, and Secretary of the Treasury...