Robert Wilkie and Roger Stone: What Would Nixon Do?

President Nixon and Soviet Leader Leonid Brezhnev have an informal conversation. Robert Wilkie of Human Events asks the question many Nixon supporters have asked in light of America’s current foreign policy foibles: Where is Dick Nixon when you need him? During...

My Gift to the President

The author (right) presents a scrapbook in support of President Nixon on April 2, 1974. White House staffer, Robert Genader (left) accepted the gift on behalf of President Nixon. By Bob Bostock Forty years ago today I visited the White House for the first time. I...

RN’s Plan for Higher Education

President Nixon and Secretary of H.E.W Robert Finch visit Washington Technical Institute in Cleveland, Ohio. By Chris Barber By the time Richard Nixon became President, America’s higher education system began to suffer under its own weight. A growing identity crisis...