44 Years Ago — RN Speaks to the Great Silent Majority

On November 3, 1969, RN moved the nation and emphasized his pledge to end the Vietnam War in a way that the forces of freedom could win the peace. “Let us be united for peace. Let us also be united against defeat,” he said to the millions of Americans...

Kevin Spacey Praises RN

The House of Cards star says RN did more than any President to preserve the arts in America: Richard Nixon. That may be a surprising name for you to hear. But he actually funded the National Endowment for the Arts more than any president had up until that time. H/T...


Former senior adviser and speechwriter to President Nixon, Pat Buchanan, analyzes the first televised debate with Fox News’ Neil Cavuto: Watch the latest video at video.foxbusiness.com

53 Years Ago — RN and JFK Debate

On September 26, 1960, Vice President Richard Nixon and Massachusetts Senator John F. Kennedy squared off in the first televised debate — forever changing American presidential politics. Watch the whole debate below: