From Bat To Amos To….Richard?

Word came from Los Angeles this evening of the death yesterday of actor Gene Barry at the age of 90. Barry’s career was a very long one – he made his Broadway debut in 1942 – and highly varied. In 1944, he performed opposite Mae West in her show...

Check To See If He’s Really Fred Armisen

The Chattanooga, Tennessee Times-Free Press has an article by Adam Crisp this week about Dr. George Akers, a retired resident of the Volunteer State who spent his career as an educator in Adventist-affiliated universities. In 1970, he was the president of what was...

The Mission Inn At Christmas

From the Los Angeles Times comes this article about the historic Mission Inn in Riverside, California which has just set up its much-cherished “Festival of Lights” for another holiday season. Nixon scholars know it as the place where the future President...

Obama/Edwards: The Ticket That Never Was

In recent months little has been heard about the scandal that forced former Senator (and 2004 Democratic vice-presidential candidate) John Edwards from political life. A grand jury in North Carolina is now hearing testimony regarding the question of whether funds...