Flush Times At The Watergate

This week, the Watergate Hotel went up for auction and, despite its enduring notoriety as the site of the June 1972 break-in that ultimately brought down Richard Nixon’s presidency, found no takers – at least for the moment. (The development corporation...

McGovern-Cronkite ’72?

A few minutes ago the fortieth anniversary arrived of the moment when Neil Armstrong stepped onto the lunar surface. For most American TV viewers that awe-inspiring night, the voice commenting on the images that were seen over the next several hours belonged to Walter...

In Orbit

The death of Walter Cronkite and the vivid memories it evokes of his coverage of the Gemini and Apollo missions of the 1960s and early 1970s, serves as a reminder that Monday will mark the fortieth anniversary of the arrival of the Apollo 11 lunar module on the moon...

Henry Allingham, 1896-2009

The passing of Walter Cronkite yesterday at the age of 92 was followed by many comments, online, in print, and on the airwaves, that it marked the end of an era. This morning, news came of the death of a man who survived Cronkite by a few hours, yet was old enough to...

The Case Of The Amiable Applicant

This week marked the more or less official beginning of the Al Franken Slightly-Less-Than-Three-Fifths-of-a-Decade (Saturday Night Live fans, at least those of 1979-era vintage, will recognize the reference) and it started in a suitably bizarre way. At the Senate...