Mixed Signals

The Associated Press just declared that Sen. Barack Obama has “effectively clinched” the Democratic presidential nomination, based on the wire service’s tally of delegates.  Still, Sen. Hillary Clinton presses on. A few hours ago the AP reported that...

The Barr Factor

Over the weekend, former Rep. Bob Barr managed to wrangle the Libertarian  presidential nomination at that party’s convention in Denver.  In an earlier post I referred to the traditional contentiousness of the Libertarians, and in their usual tradition it took...

Rick Perlstein’s “Nixonland” (continued)

I have now read two-thirds of Rick Perlstein’s Nixonland (that is, up to the point where the book describes the Kent State shootings and aftermath) and can confirm that this historian’s narrative skills continue to be stronger than his primary research,...

Rick Perlstein’s Nixonland – First Impressions

Tomorrow marks the publication of Rick Perlstein’s nearly 800-page history Nixonland: The Rise Of A President And The Fracturing Of America. Over the weekend the book was reviewed by Newsweek’s Evan Thomas, by George Will in the New York Times Book Review,...

Meet the New McGovern, Same As…

The irreverent political blog Wonkette today characterizes today’s latest endorsement of Sen. Barack Obama as “George McGovern hearts Barack Obama, the McGovern of the 21st Century.” Not that Wonkette is particularly friendly to Sen. Hillary Clinton;...