The Still Unsolved Case of the Purloined Papers

Virtually every aspect of Sandy Berger’s brief and uncharacteristic career as researcher and thief at the National Archives —including the lackadaisical attitude of the Justice Department investigating and pursuing the case— raises more questions...

Dash Docs

Nixonians remember Sam Dash as the Majority Counsel who organized and orchestrated the Ervin Committee’s Watergate hearings. Many years later, in 1994, Professor Dash reemerged from the Georgetown Law Center to serve, mostly unhappily, as an ethics adviser to...

Meet the New McGovern, Same As…

The irreverent political blog Wonkette today characterizes today’s latest endorsement of Sen. Barack Obama as “George McGovern hearts Barack Obama, the McGovern of the 21st Century.” Not that Wonkette is particularly friendly to Sen. Hillary Clinton;...

New President Will Be the New Nixon

Richard Nixon prided himself on his mastery of foreign affairs, both as President and as a senior statesman. An accomplishment of which he was most proud was his opening to China, both because it allowed the U.S. to use the “China card” to balance out a rising Soviet...

Another Case of Guilt by Association?

The continuing flap over the statements by Jeremiah Wright and his association with Sen. Obama bring to mind situations in the past in which prominent politicians came under attack because of their associations with controversial individuals. FDR had to cover up...