The Recent Records Release

One of my favorite times of the year is when more of the Nixon documents and tapes are released.  Where there isn’t anything earthshattering, or history changing about the disclosures, the releases do provide deeper nuanced understanding of Richard Nixon and his...

Last Press Conference/First Press Conference

I found it fascinating that on the 46th anniversary of RNs "last press conference", the Governor of Alaska gave her first national press conference without handlers. Something else that I found interesting was that while both press conferences protrayed the...

Views of a Progressive Republican

Read my colleague Robert Nedelkoff’s thoughtful views on the election and its possible aftermath. I would like to offer a respectful counter-point with some views of my own. You know, I want to vote Republican. After all, I have been a registered Republican since my...

The American Pioneer

On the occasion of the 56th anniversary of the Checkers speech, it is appropriate to know that Richard Nixon has been a pioneer of much of what we know as modern American politics. Checkers after all marked the beginning of Richard Nixon’s significant presence...