Dinner of the Century Revisited

Author’s Note:  Nineteen years ago tonight marks the anniversary of the dinner honoring the Library’s dedication.  The following article appeared in the Checkers newsletter in the August 1990 issue. As a bit of background, Checkers was a newsletter started by Chris...

On Documents & Reassessment

Whenever new documents (or in the case of RN – tapes and documents are released), it is an opportunity to reassess a subject.  Or at the very least, provide some nuance into the subject.  Probably the best opportunity we have for this continuing process of discovering...

Anniversary of the Smoking Gun

When you get in these people when you…get these people in, say: “Look, the problem is that this will open the whole, the whole Bay of Pigs thing, and the President just feels that” ah, without going into the details… don’t, don’t...

Loose Lips Sink a Presidency

Read how overhearing a lunch conversation could have broken the Watergate story, kept Woodward and Bernstein cub reporters, and allowed Deep Throat to be only a bad skin flick.

Ed Nixon Returns To Prescott

A standing room only crowd was at Barnes & Noble in Prescott Arizona for a book signing by Ed Nixon, the youngest brother of RN. In Friday’s addition of the local paper, the Daily Courier; Ed Nixon said that he decided to include Prescott in his book tour as...