The “Do As We Say, Not As We Do” Party

One of the things that bothers me about the current Republican Party is their “do as we say, not as we do” philosophy. The latest case in point is the actions as Governor of the VP nominee. Now, we are all aware of the controversy surrounding Sarah Palin’s daughter’s...

The Christian Question

In the midst of reporting about the Saddleback forum, provided a flashback to a incident back last December involving Senator McCain and the question of his faith. This was of course when the Senator from Arizona wasn’t the “presumptive” nominee, but a...

What’s In Your Nixon Library?

Recently, I was able to remodel a room in my house as sort of a study. After many months, I was finally able to retrieve the many boxes of books that I had in my library in San Diego. Paramount among these books was my library on everything Richard Nixon. Along with...

Sending the Right Signal

And I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong signal.                                                                                                            George W. Bush   Just perhaps, President Bush can send the ‘right signal’ by “supporting the...

McCain in Pres-cut

Following in the footsteps of Barry Goldwater, John McCain ended his “Service to America” tour with an appearance in Prescott, Arizona. I was able to attend this function, as it is only a short walk from my house to the Yavapai County Courthouse. In the...