
Priscilla-Joy Everts, 1918-2011

Priscilla-Joy Everts, Social Secretary to Vice President Nixon and close friend of the Nixon Family, passed away early this year. She was 92. As an integral apart of the Vice President's small but every effective staff, she managed Mrs. Nixon's correspondences and...

RN and RR

As I listened to the well earned and much deserved tributes paid this past weekend to the life and legacy of Ronald Reagan on his centennial, and thought about RN’s coming 100th birthday in 2013, I recalled this anecdote from Reagan’s memoir: In 1962, while...

RN Helped Switch RR

In The Nation, Greg Mitchell says that Ronald Reagan's shift to the GOP started with the 1950 California Senate race between Richard Nixon and Helen Gahagan Douglas.  Reagan initially backed Douglas, Mitchell says, but then moved in RN's direction.  He writes: One...