Aug 28, 2019 | Nixon Now Podcast, Supreme Court
President Nixon visited the U.S. Supreme Court on June 23, 1969. In this photo he is accompanied by outgoing Chief Justice Earl Warren (left) and incoming Chief Justice Warren Burger (right). (Richard Nixon Presidential Library) Michael Bobelian is author of...
Jun 2, 2017 | Post-Presidential Years, Pre-Presidential Years, Reports, Vietnam
Nixon biographer Farrell misinterprets a word and draws the wrong conclusion In his recent book Richard Nixon: The Life, journalist-biographer John A. Farrell claims to have found a hitherto overlooked document that proves the contention that Richard Nixon, as a...
Jun 10, 2010 | News, The New Nixon
President Obama’s recent TV statement about kicking posterior led a number of journalists to muse about previous presidents who used bad language in the White House. Thanks to the tapes, of course, we know about RN’s unfortunate weakness for expletives....
Feb 21, 2008 | The New Nixon
As Republicans fall in line, some reluctantly, behind the McCain candidacy, it isn’t the first time passionate GOP partisans have had to decide whether or not to settle or sit one out. Conservatives in the GOP might do well to take a look at history and ask what...