Nixon Aide Discusses Pioneering Trip

Stephen Hess, who assisted Vice President Nixon on his first book Six Crises, and later served as the 37th President’s Deputy Assistant for Urban Affairs, explains the genesis of the vision for the China journey: In a restorative break from an intense Beijing...

More On The 40th Anniversary of Nixon’s China Trip

Besides the informative Daily Beast article by Winston Lord and Leslie Gelb discussed in Jonathan Movroydis’s post below, a large number of other stories have appeared online marking the four decades  since President Nixon shook Premier Zhou Enlai’s hand on the tarmac...

RN on American Decline

Forty years ago today, RN spoke to Midwestern news executives. In The New York Times, Tom Switzer quotes that speech to suggest that RN embraced American decline: Not only had the Soviets matched U.S. military might, the old cold warrior conceded, but Japan and...